About Project


FitBond is a sports mobile application designed to cater to the diverse needs of sports enthusiasts. It provides a seamless experience for booking grounds, courts, and other sports venues. Whether you’re an individual player looking to practice, a private team seeking a space for training, or a group wanting to organize a public event, FitBond has you covered.


Sport Mobile Application




Nodejs for Backend, Flutter For Frontend,


iOS, Android

Project Workflow


Project Duration


1st Day

1st Week


Research & UX Design

Style Guide


2nd Week

3rd & 4th Week


UI Design




We initiated building a mobile app from scratch and maintained the application development life cycle, including planning, designing, development, testing, and deployment. Our team proposed a unique blend of creativity to promote active lifestyles and make sports facilities more accessible to everyone. We aligned our concept with our client’s preference and suggested innovative solutions that depict seamless user experience.

Problem Our Client Faced

Our client was facing management issues with their client’s data and bookings. He wanted an app that streamlined their work and built a bridge to fill the gap for its clients while booking and communication.

Solution We Provide

To streamline clientele and bookings, we built an app that was accessible and easy to use for their clients anytime, anywhere. Our solution provides instant bookings and secure payments in just a few taps. The app will cater to individual bookings, private team bookings, and public event bookings.

Our Deliverables


  1. Detailed requirement documentation
  2. Market analysis report
  3. Wireframes and UI/UX design
  4. Clickable prototype
  5. Fully functional mobile application for iOS and Android
  6. User manuals and documentation
  7. Test cases and results
  8. Post-launch support and maintenance plan

Fitbond Logo

The Fitbond logo is not just a symbol; it’s a representation of our brand’s essence and values. With its sleek, modern design and vibrant

Sharp Sans

Sans clean design ensures readability across all devices, aligning with our inclusive, accessible community. It enhances Fitbond look and functionality.

Sharp sans

Core Features Implementation


Fitbond Intro

On Boarding Screen

The Fitond onboarding screen welcomes users, highlights key features, and guides them through quick registration and personalization, ensuring a secure and engaging start.

User Registration and Authentication

Enable users to register, log in, and manage their profiles.
Fitbond login
Fitbond Profile

Search and Filter

Implement search and filter functionalities for users to find available sports venues.

Payment Integration

Integrate secure payment gateways for booking transactions.
Fitbond Payment
Fitbond settings


Implement push notifications for booking confirmations, reminders, and updates.

Booking System

  • Allow individual bookings, private team bookings, and public bookings.
  • Include a calendar view for checking availability.

UI Design

Fitbond Onboarding
Fitbond Signup
Fitbond Home
Fitbond Profile Detail
Fitbond Cricket
Fitbond Games
Fitbond Stadium
Fitbond Team
Fitbond Message

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