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1 August, 2022 Remsha

PHP Web Development – 10 Most Important Features of PHP Development

    Let’s discuss how our team can help your project

    PHP is a recursive acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor now. However, initially, it was an acronym for Personal Home Page. PHP is an open-source, interpreted, and object-oriented scripting language that can be easily diagnosed on the server side. PHP is widely used as a general-purpose scripting language and is best suited for web development. In 1995 first appeared on the market. However, it was developed by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. Since then, it has much relevant and used by developers.

    According to w3techs, 78.9% of the well-known websites with server-side programming language are developed using PHP web development. The latest version of PHP is PHP 8, which is stable now. PHP 8 was launched on November 26, 2020.

    PHP is a widely used language and has played a massive role in creating content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupa. Being an interpreted language, PHP is interpreted only once. PHP restricts itself as it only works on the services that have PHP installed. However, many systems do support the scripting language.  Many enterprise-level websites used PHP web development like Facebook, Slack, Wikipedia, Tumblr, Etsy, etc., used PHP web development.

    MMCGBL is one of the leading agencies in providing PHP web development services; globally. We are a stellar PHP web development company that offers PHP solutions with advanced use of the PHP web development framework. MMCGBL has maintained an ideal image in providing cost-effective web solutions for small start-ups and enterprise-level development.

    We have maintained our customer satisfaction by providing custom CMS development services.

    MMCGBL has a team of more than 150+ experts that bring excellence in providing quality work. Our experts have more than 20+ years of experience, developing more than 1000+ projects.

    Why PHP Development?

    Apart from being a simple and easy-to-use open source programming language, there are many reasons why PHP developers prefer PHP. PHP web developers have features that help them create time- web applications.

    PHP is a Fast Development

    PHP takes less time for development. Some built-in libraries and tools help reduce the time for developing repeated codes. CakePHP framework and Bake command-line tool can quickly create skeleton code that you need in your application.

    Apart from this, many PHP frameworks have the unit library integrated for easy testing.

    Less Code in PHP

    The PHP frameworks have built-in functions that save time and reduce the coding. The framework has built-in codes in it. Hence, you don’t have to write so many of the original principles.

    Common Task Libraries

    Many tasks that developers will need to do within web apps are common ones. Examples are form validation, data sanitization, and CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete). Rather than having to write your functions for these tasks, you can simply use the ones that are part of the framework.

    Quality Coding Practices

    It is well established among the PHP web developers that even with fewer codes, PHP frameworks usually follow best coding practices. It divides the code neatly into several directories according to their function.  This makes the developers organize their principles cleaner, neater and more systematized.

    More Secure

    Your PHP web application development will be vulnerable to multiple threads like cross-site scripting, SQL injection attacks, and cross-site request forgery. There will always be a factor of vulnerability unless and until you take the right steps to secure your code.

    Using a PHP framework is not a substitute for writing secure code, but it minimizes the chance of hacker exploits. Good frameworks have data sanitization built-in and defences against the common threats mentioned above.

    PHP Framework and Teamwork

    Due to unclear documentation, design decisions and code standards can make multi-developers’ projects go wrong. However, this situation can be resolved if the developers know the ground rules of a framework. PHP is easy to learn and work collaboratively.

    Easy Maintainance

    PHP application development and PHP web development frameworks require less maintenance because of the refactoring code and DRY development (Don’t Repeat Yourself).

    You also don’t have to worry about maintaining the core framework, as that’s done for you by the developers.

    PHP Web Development Features

    PHP stands as one of the popular scripting languages. It is very simple when it comes to its programming. There are frameworks through which you can lessen the coding for each project.

    PHP and Open-source development

    PHP source codes are free. If you want to develop any version of PHP, you can create it without paying a penny. Besides, all the components of the PHP frameworks are free to download and use.

    PHP Easy Syntax Understanding

    PHP understands the syntax pretty easily. This becomes a key feature for developers to use coding with it. Moreover, multiple tags can be embedded within PHP code.

    Platform Independent PHP Web Application Development

    PHP is independent of platforms. It can be operated on multiple platforms as PHP is available for WINDOWS, MAC, LINUX & UNIX operating systems. Due to the platform’s independence, a PHP application development in one OS can be easily executed in another.

    Support for Database

    One of the top features of the PHP framework is its support for databases. PHP supports all the leading databases like MySQL, SQLite, ODBC, etc.

    Predefined Error

    PHP has another feature that helps the developers in the long run. PHP does error reporting; it has pre-defined error reporting constants to generate an error notice or warning runtime. The example for error reporting may include E_ERROR, E_WARNING, E_STRICT, and E_PARSE.

    Typing Language

    PHP is one of the programming languages that offer its developers the best-case scenario. It allows you to use a variable without even declaring its datatype. The data at the time of execution will be taken based on the value it contains and its value.

    PHP Web Server Support

    Regarding comparing PHP with the other local servers used today, PHP stands toe to toe. It stands compatible with almost all the local servers used today like Apache, Netscape, Microsoft IIS, etc.

    PHP Security

    It is said that PHP is not a secured framework. However, it is well-established among PHP web developers that PHP is a secure language to develop websites. It consists of multiple layers of security to prevent threads and strong attacks.

    PHP and Line of Control

    The feature that attracts most developers toward learning PHP web development and delivering PHP web development services is the ease of coding. A lot of different programming languages require a long script or code. However, that is not the case in PHP. PHP offers the same work to be done efficiently in lesser codes. It also provides maximum control over the websites like you can make changes easily whenever, wherever you want.

    PHP Community

    It has a large community of developers who regularly update the documentation, tutorials for new developers learning, online help for everyone, and FAQs. PHP might not have the best or ideal community but offers many learning opportunities.

    PHP and its use in Top 7 Global Websites

    Facebook- Web Communication

    Facebook is one of the mega social media websites, with over 1.49 billion active users. Facebook offers many features, including chatting, video calling, picture sharing, and a recent product-selling marketplace.  Facebook was developed primarily using PHP. 

    Since the founding of Facebook, it has been taking advantage of PHP web development services to generate dynamic content in only a few seconds. 

    Mark Zuckerberg and Moskowitz wrote the whole conception code of the Facebook application in PHP. Due to this, a pool of present-day tech companies also uses PHP.

    Facebook introduced HipHop for PHP (PHP) in 2010. HipHop for PHP is a transpiler or a compiler that translates source code into the source code of another language.

    However, after some time, HipHop for PHPH was replaced by HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) in 2013. This drastic change came in handy; it improved overall performance and facilitated easier development and deployment processes.

    Wikipedia- Online Encyclopedia

    Wikipedia is a multilingual free online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteers through open collaboration and wiki-based editing software.

    It is one of the most visited public information sites that use PHP as a programming language. Wikipedia also uses MySQL/MariaDB as its database backend.

    Just like Facebook, Wikipedia also switched to HHVM in 2014, which made their data load almost twice as fast as before.

    Tumblr- Birthplace of memes

    Tumblr is the biggest community. It has generated over 325 million blogs and 555 million monthly visitors. Tumblr is mostly famous because of its meme community, called the birthplace of memes.

    Just to bring great advancements, Tumblr 2016 transitioned to PHP7. This change brought a massive performance upright. Tumblr was able to add new language features that include the implementation of scalar type hints and return type declarations.

    Slack- Team Communication App

    Slack is a messaging program designed especially for team communications. However, people are now using it for their personal use as well.

    Slack was established in the year 2009 as the go-to team communications app. SLcak’s valuation hovered around 4 billion dollars and is actively used by over 3 million users daily.

    Slack uses PHP in its backend to maximize workflow efficiency faster while speeding up web request time and minimizing program defects.


    Mailchimp is an American marketing automation platform and email marketing service for managing mailing lists and creating email marketing campaigns. By the end of 2019, Mailchimp had revenue of $700 million.

    According to the marketing giants of Mailchimp:

    “It’s the only language we use for everything touching the production MailChimp application.”


    Etsy is one of the top retail PHP-based websites in the United States. It has more than 45.7 million active buyers.

    Etsy has established itself as one of the leading e-commerce sites built on PHP. Etsy uses PHP in its retail sector, considered one of the most competitive organizations.

    Moreover, they released Phan, a static analyzer that automatically recognizes incompatibilities between PHP5/7.


    WordPress is one of the mega free, open-source content management systems (CMS) written in PHP. WordPress is also paired with MySQL or MariaDB data basses supported by HTTPS.

    WordPress is a CMS that allows you to host a domain and build websites for your business.

    PHP is mainly used to find the key components from the databases and out them as astatic HTML.

    Due to this, millions of active users can create and use different templates also drag/drop various website UI components with little or no coding experience.


    PHP is one of the most in-demand development languages. Many PHP web application development examples prove it is still relevant in the marketplace. These examples include Facebook, Wikipedia, Slack, Mailchimp, Etsy, etc.

    PHP has maintained its validity in the market by providing features like easy maintenance, security, quality coding practices, fewer codes, etc. Although it is debated whether or not PHP is secure, it is well-established among the PHP web developers that PHP web application development is safe and easy to use. PHP web application development communities provide a wide range of tutorials and online help for all, making it preferred among developers.

    MMCGBL has a team of experts who have completed over 1000 successful projects. With more than 20 years of experience and 30M plus successfully saved clients, it is safe to say, MMCGBL can make your dream project come true.

    MMCGBL offers all-inclusive expertise in PHP app development services and builds robust PHP websites. For that reason, we are a top PHP web development company.

    Features of PHP Development FAQs

    How much does PHP web development cost?

    MMCGBL is a leading PHP web development company. Our prices are quoted according to the needs and requirements of the project. We enlist the projects and then deliver the project timeline to our clients specifying the average time to complete each phase.

    Are PHP websites mobile-friendly?

    Yes, PHP web apps are mobile-friendly. MMCGBL also provides services in building mobile-friendly applications. Our expert developers are well-equipped in advanced technologies based on CSS3 and HTML.

    Can I change my website design after its launch?

    Yes, you can change or amend your website after its launch. Our experts will let you make all the improvements to your website.

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