MMC Global



Food Industry Apps
& Solutions

Scale up your food and beverages business with emerging tech solutions. Our diverse range of software applications for the food industry turns your food business operations faster and more efficient. 

Kubernetes Deployment

100% Client Satisfaction

Kubernetes Deployment

Distinctive Design & Intutive

Kubernetes Deployment

On-Time Project Delivery

Kubernetes Deployment

Winning development Strategies

Kubernetes Deployment

9am-6pm Customer Support

Digital Revolution In Food Industry Dynamics

Digital Revolution In Food Industry Dynamics

The dynamic of the food industry is diversified into a range of multi-faceted solutions that are functional for multiple purposes, including manufacturing, logistics, marketing, delivery, restaurant management, and other functions that relate to the food industry. Even large food manufacturing companies implement software to automate preparation, packaging, supply chain, and finances to the restaurants that serve food digitally at your doorsteps; everything is streamlined and simplified. 

At MMC Global, we offer a wide range of solutions for the food industry, from ERP software development to on-demand food app delivery and AI/ML-based workflow automation. Our workforce is highly experienced in technical development with advanced technologies to build customized software and applications. 

Get the Best Food Delivery App Services

If you belong to the retail food industry and want to bring a digital impact to gather more profit, you need to pick one of the suitable services for your business. We give your customer an online experience by transforming your grocery store or restaurant into a portable delivery app.

Grocery App Development

Grocery App Development

With rich features and functionalities, we can transform your whole Grocery store operation into a robust online grocery app platform that automates grocery deliveries and customers dealing with online payment methods.

Food Delivery App Development

Food Delivery App Development

Enhance the food delivery experience for food lovers by launching a well-managed food delivery app. From designing the best user interface to developing a flawless app by integrating automated recommendations and other futuristic advancements, you can improve your customer experience to the next level.

On-demand Food Delivery & Grocery app

Earn more by launching an on-demand food delivery app, including grocery stores, restaurant food deliveries, or even community markets — all in under one app. We can help you build a full-fledged on-demand food app that allows customers to order food or groceries from their favorite marketplace.

Restaurant Delivery App

Restaurant Finder App Development

Simplify your accessibility by launching a restaurant finder and getting orders from your foodies. Our mobile app development team helps you build apps that navigate your restaurant location for instant ordering or reservation.

Grocery Store Software

Grocery Store Software

Enhance the food delivery experience for food lovers by launching a well-managed food delivery app. From designing the best user interface to developing a flawless app by integrating automated recommendations and other futuristic advancements, you can improve your customer experience to the next level.

Restaurant Management Software

Restaurant Management Software

Seamlessly manage your restaurants and food chains with a restaurant management solution. Automate the workflow and get important reports & invoices in just a few clicks. Furthermore, we help you enhance ROI with restaurant management software development services.

Looking for a Trusted App Development Team?

Get professional developers to build your food delivery app and grocery app with the utmost features & functionalities.

We Deliver Outstanding Results


Our Trusted Clients

Award Winning Projects

Award-Winning Projects

Our Trusted Clients

Years of Experience

Years of Extensive Experience

Appreciation Awards & Counting

Diverse Range Of Software Solutions For the Food Industry

We are consistent in delivering high-quality solutions to the food industry. We have a proven track record of creating a diverse range of software applications that meet your food business requirements.


ERP Software Solution

We build highly customized and feature-rich ERP software solutions to centralize all departments for better collaboration and connectivity. Implementing ERP can help you overcome challenges in manufacturing, purchasing, selling, and distributing and also make all processes faster.


AI/ML-based Workflow Automation

In food manufacturing companies, automation helps product manufacturing faster and in less time. We help to make automation software based on futuristic technology like AI and ML that allows workflows to be automated. It promotes accuracy and cuts down the cost of hiring a pool of workers to do one repeated operation.


On-demand Food Delivery App

We specialize in building on-demand food delivery apps for restaurants' food delivery and reservations. Our developers thoroughly assist you with all stages of on-demand food delivery app development, including designing UI UX, preferred codebase development, deployment, and launching processes.


Food Mobile App Development

We have multiple food mobile app development ideas and have a proven track record of creating highly functional mobile apps for the food industry. Whether you want a table reservation app, best food delivery app, or want to build a nearby restaurant finder app, we can help you build with utmost efficiency and within your budget.


Food Supply Chain Software

Whether you are operating as a bulk supplier or retail manufacturing product, your supply chain process must be automated to avoid any inconvenience. We build unified food supply chain software that allocates numerous stages, from farming and production to packaging, distribution, and retail.


Quality Control & Management Software

In order to maintain and improve quality, we build tracking and monitoring software that helps food companies track manufacturing and production processes to ensure delivering the best quality products.

How Digital Transition Can Fasten the Food Industry

Digital transition in the food industry has the potential to revolutionize the way we produce, distribute, and consume food. By leveraging technologies like IoT, blockchain, and data analytics, supply chains can be optimized for real-time monitoring, reducing delays and ensuring fresher products reach consumers faster.

Efficient inventory management helps prevent overstocking and understocking, while digital quality control systems enhance food safety, preventing widespread recalls. Digital marketing and online engagement platforms enable swift customer interaction and promotion, fostering brand loyalty. Moreover, the rise of food delivery apps and online ordering systems expedites the process of getting food to consumers, offering quicker access to a wider range of culinary options.

Our Commitment To Excellence


Experts & Professional

Your project is handed over to the best and most experienced tech-savvy experts who pay extra attention to project details to make it successful.

Futuristic Tech Stack

Futuristic Tech-Stack

We have a dedicated team for all types of futuristic tech stack, including cloud development, AI, ML, Blockchain, AR/VR, IoT, etc.

ERPs & Mobile App Experts

ERPs & Mobile App Experts

Whether you need full-fledged ERP software or want handy mobile app development, we’ve got you covered.

Flexible Working Models

Flexible Working Models

We have flexible working models to cater to different dynamics of projects, ensuring streamlining development cycles and meeting deadlines.

Infusing Industry 4.0 Technology

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Internet of Thing

Internet of Thing (IoT)

Big Data

Big Data

Data Science

Data Science

Artifical Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Image Analysis

Image Analysis (IA)

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR)

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR)



What Our Satisfied Clients Say About MMCGBL

Our Customers Appreciate What We've Built for Them




Amazing food delivery app!! The team was really helpful in assisting me in coming up with a different solution to the difficulty I was facing. Thank you MMC Global and 5 stars for sure!

john buttler

John Buttler


We are really satisfied with this food supply chain software because it gives a lot of functionalities for our business. Thanks, and highly recommended.




Food app development are absolutely amazing; the customer support is excellent; they listen to their customers and offer the best advice, working tirelessly to meet the requirements.

Our Working Model for Successful App Development

MMC Global has versatile teams specializing in almost every tech stack to fulfil clients’ requirements on the spot. Our teams follow a smooth working model that helps us to collaborate first and initiate the project after all settlements.

  1. Discovering and conceptualizing
  2. Design with UI/UX professional guides
  3. Customized Development with diverse tech stacks
  4. Ensuring app quality with testing techniques
  5. Simplify deploying and launching
Food Delivery Successful App Development

We Provide Limitless Tech-Savvy Solutions

Expanding our services towards advanced and innovative technologies. We have no boundaries to thrive!

Grocery App & Food Ordering App FAQs:

Convenient and Time-saving. 

  • Let Customers Book Out-Of-Stock Products In Advance. 
  •  Recurring & Scheduled Orders.
  •  Secure Payments Options.

Here are some necessary features of a grocery mobile app.

  • Cart sharing & shopping list.
  • Faceted search. 
  • Push notifications. 
  • Order tracking and status
  • Coupon codes & special deals: 
  • Signup with social media and mobile number.

Here are some steps to to keep in mind when you develop your App.

  • Idea creation. The goal: Specify your idea and minimum viable product.
  • Sketching. The goal: Make the main idea of the app/website clear to everyone involved.
  • Wireframing. The goal: Create a clear visualization of how the app will look.
  • Graphic designing. 
  • Coding and programming.

The app provides its users with a list of grocery items and offers the facility of choosing specific filters in order to make searching easier. After searching their items, the users can add to their cart and continue searching for other things; then, when finishing their list, they can do the final checkout.

We design a customized and intelligent app to serve customers with on-demand grocery and food delivery app development at their doorsteps. MMC’s experienced team has delivered more than 200 projects and therefore is accomplished in managing your mobile app.

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    We believe that our works can contribute to a better world.

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    [email protected]
    For other questions:
    [email protected]

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