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4 Key Challenges Of React Native Development

The sparkle of a brilliant framework potential has not gone ignored by developers eager to establish a mark in the cross-platform world, with over 1.6k active contributors aiming to make React Native development successful.

The premise that the industry has matured to the point where it is now evaluating Native and React Native styles of development isn’t driving the demand for react native app development among developers. The demand is also fueled by the framework’s frequent upgrades, which keep it up to date.

As React Native has the utmost benefits for developing a cross-platform app, you cannot neglect its efficiency and performance. It uses JavaScript associated with pre-built libraries and components. A developer can build rich-featured applications with React Native as it possesses strong community support. Along with its efficiency, it increases productivity, faster development, a shareable codebase, and real-time upgrades.

Despite these and other unmentioned advantages of React Native development, there are several reactJS obstacles that are inextricably linked to React Native app development. Experienced developers have learned to accept and work around challenges.

To overcome ReactJS issues, contact a React Native App Development Company like MMCGBL to construct and develop unique react native apps with the newest features. Regardless of where you are situated, such as in Austin, Los Angeles, New York, or elsewhere.

Read more: React Native Services (2022): React Native Navigation v5 With Illustration

4 Main Challenges Related to React Native Development


Given the nature of JavaScript, developers must occasionally depend on native developers. Particularly the clients’ requirements are complex and challenging for the application. These apps allow developers to transfer processing to the app’s native section, which necessitates the use of a native developer.

Abstraction Layers

An abstraction layer was added to the native platform in order to offer more functionality to React Native apps. The abstraction Layer has certain recurring concerns that should be avoided in React Native app development, such as:

It’s incredibly tough to track down issues that occur at the abstraction layer. Additionally, there is a high reliance on third-party services and libraries. Developers also face challenges in implementing bespoke designs.

Parallel Threading

Because React Native only has one Javascript thread, developers may experience poor performance while running many processes in tandem. It’s one of the primary drawbacks of responding natively.

iOS Deployment

When it comes to React Native, it’s extremely inconvenient for developers to test their iPhone app on any testing service other than Apple’s Testflight because they’ll have to deal with complications like getting provisioning profiles and appropriate certifications.

On Android, though, the procedure isn’t nearly as arduous because testing and deploying applications is a breeze.

As previously said, React Native, like any other framework, is not without its difficulties. It all boils down to the creators’ prior experience. These problems might appear to be deal-breakers for a beginner or less competent React native developer but not for a skilled developer.

The sole difference between a good and unskilled React Native developer is their understanding of common pitfalls to avoid while creating an error-free React Native project.

FAQs To Avoid Mistakes To get High-Performing React Native Development

Q. How can you enhance the performance of React Native?

Ans. There are a few things you can do to increase the performance of your React Native app:

Avoid renderings that aren’t essential.

Instead of Stateless, use PureComponent.

JSON data should be optimized.

Reduce the app’s size.

Q. Is it worthwhile to use React Native?

Ans. It’s worth utilizing React Native since it allows you to create mobile apps for numerous platforms using only one JavaScript codebase.

Q. What is the best way to use a given version of React Native?

Ans. In the following command, you can use

$ react-native init newproject – – version  reactnative@VersionNumber

Ending Notes

If you want a professional React Native app development company that pledges you to avoid mistakes, accept challenges and build a flawless app, then you need us. MMCGBL provides you with an exciting yet scalable app that helps your business to grow exponentially.

Understanding what mistakes might harm a user’s experience is a smart place to begin for developers who are serious about their work. Another smart way to start is to work with a mobile app development firm that understands how mistakes are a natural part of the learning process and can help you improve.

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