Hi-Tech Lubricant

Research / User Testing / UX / UI Design / Development / AI Chat

Hi-Tech Lubricant is the implementation of a workshop management solution to turn the manual process into automation. Our client, Hi-Tech Lubricant, wanted to transform their routine service operation into one unified platform where vendors, clients, and orders are managed efficiently. Their unique selling proposition of providing “delivering automobile services within 2 hours” makes their business stand out in the crowd.

The Challenge:

For Hi-Tech Lubricant, dealing with thousands of customers and managing their data was getting difficult. They decided to transform their manual process to an automated system that takes orders, generates invoices, proposes estimations, creates monthly sales reports, and performs other routine tasks. They wanted a unified solution to improve and accelerate their business processes.

The Solution:

After getting all the requirements, we decided to build a dedicated workshop management solution to enhance productivity and promote efficient client dealings. We proposed the concept and helped them to turn it into reality with the help of our professional web application development team. We implemented a web-based workshop management solution with feature-rich functionalities and an exceptional user experience.

Project Kickoff

Our team proposed various ideas and helped them determine what best suited their technology solutions. They wanted to eliminate manual working operations and adopt automated tech solutions to serve better, faster, and more efficiently.
Our team completed all initial requirements, selected the technology stacks, and mapped out the workflow of the app development cycle. Our proficient designers suggested a final prototype to initiate a development process.

Tech Stack Used


Core Features Implementation


Intuitive Dashboards:
In this app, the developers made two user dashboards: 1) Workshop Controller Dashboard and 2) Express Centered Dashboards that work on various functionalitie.

Workshop controller dashboards streamline orders & vehicle service management, including customer profile details, customer arrival, job cards, and vehicle delivery status. They also help users identify pending tasks and customers in pipeline projects.

Express-centered dashboards represent monthly lubricant and spare parts sales and the number of customers with filter-based functionalities.

Hi Tech Lubricant

Workshop Profile Details:
It is easy to manage your business profile to record data such as city, region, franchise type, express center, customer type, and terms and conditions. When the whole process is automated, the database records all minor to major information about any order.


Easy-to-manage Customer Accounts Details:
With HTL, it is easy to set up transactions and record bank account details, tax management, offerings, vouchers, etc. We made it simple to gather all types of transactions in one platform.


Inventory Management:
Easy to handle and manage inventories to offer a centralized view of stock across sales channels. Moreover, it also helps control the cost streams by creating stock reports and analyses.


Procurement Management:
Sorting out the suppliers and vendors with HTL is the best idea to manage time and save costs. This feature helps the vendor and supplier record concerning authentic supplier information.


Reporting & Analysis:
The overall evaluation and analysis describe individual reports of business workflow. It includes inventory reports, workshop reports, accounts reports with GL reports criteria, etc. Users can generate all types of reports based on all modules.


Project Outcome:

We were able to build a successful project that helped manage the day-to-day tasks of the automobile workshop. Providing the right solution that makes our client’s business scalable is only the aim of our organization. That’s why we gathered the latest stats that are achieved by using our workshop web application.


HTL was one of our top-notch workshop automation solutions that we integrated to turn manual operation into a modernistic process. Our solution empowered the client to improve efficiency, maximize productivity, and easily manage client data. From delivering highly intuitive designs and flawless development and instant deployment, we streamlined the process of building and implementing from start to end.


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