MMC Global



Our Approach Beyond Deliverables

We believe that every project requires specific planning and strategy to meet the project requirements. At MMC Global, we follow strategic software development workflows with flexible and diverse styles of methodologies formulated on the basis of different projects. 

Kubernetes Deployment

100% Client Satisfaction

Kubernetes Deployment

Distinctive Design & Intuitive

Kubernetes Deployment

On-Time Project Delivery

Kubernetes Deployment

Winning development Strategies

Kubernetes Deployment

9am-6pm Customer Support

We Analyze. We Plan. We Execute.

Every problem has a unique solution, but we just need to explore a bit more. Similarly, when businesses ask for digital transformation, we help them analyze the areas of improvement. Before introducing our solution, we prefer to discuss to ensure that our imagination meets the actual business goal to make investment worthwhile. Exchanging ideas and discussions allows us to study their organizational culture, encouraging us to jump-start the execution process. Establishing the benchmark and being flexible with the strategy set us apart from others as we always welcome new ideas and innovation. 

Requirement Gathering



  • Run through the entire project with the client based on the initial proposal and agreement.
  • Establish a detailed idea about the goals and business objectives of the client.
  • Understanding the competitive landscape.
  • Understanding the target audience, market & geography.
  • Clarifying all queries and doubts which the team has, post initial analysis.
  • Understanding and documenting client’s design and branding preferences.
  • Laying down assumptions and constrains!
  • Coming with a high level epic mapping.


  • Have a precise and clear idea about the client’s and project’s goals.
  • Have a clear idea about the likes and dislikes of the client.
  • Getting client’s inputs and clarification on all open-ended points.
  • Having all the information required for the planning phase.




  • Creation of all relevant documentation required for successful execution of the project.
  • Getting confirmation and approval from the client on the documents and materials.
  • Defining the project plan.
  • Defining the design and branding guidelines of the project.


  • To get everything documented in detail, leaving nothing for chance or assumption.
  • Client’s approval and signoff on the documentation and project plan.
  • To have a well-defined and precise planning of the project.




  • Creation of all relevant documentation required for successful execution of the project.
  • Getting confirmation and approval from the client on the documents and materials.
  • Defining the project plan.
  • Defining the design and branding guidelines of the project.


  • UI Designs of the projects.
  • Source files in either Photoshop or Sketch format.


adobe photoshop
adobe xd




  • Catering the requirement for frontend, backend, web services, and API development integration.
  • Prepare a strategy for Agile Scrum methodology.
  • Factor the aspects of multi-tenancy, scalability, 3rd party integration.
  • To set up a 2-3 week frequency for sprints/milestones.
  • Crafting an optimized clean code structure.
  • Involve client review in each sprint/milestone.
mobile development

Web Technologies

Mobile Technologies


Testing & Releases



  • Each sprint/milestone is tested manually.
  • Bugs are reported and added to product backlog.
  • Upon bug fixing, quality release is provided and then the final demo of the sprint is sent to the client for approval.
  • Regression testing after each sprint to ensure proper functioning of the previous approved sprints/milestones.


  • Unit Testing
  • Manual Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Automation Testing
  • Load & Stress Testing
  • Performance
  • Code Review
quality check


  • Each sprint/milestone is tested manually.
  • Bugs are reported and added to product backlog.
  • Upon bug fixing, quality release is provided and then the final demo of the sprint is sent to the client for approval.
  • Regression testing after each sprint to ensure proper functioning of the previous approved sprints/milestones.



Project Communication Structure

Daily Scrum Standup

Mon - Fri 30 minutes
  • Check previous day’s work, current day’s plans, any queries, hurdles etc
  • Project Manager with the entire Project Team

Creating a wireframe

Weekly 45 - 60 minutes
  • Improvements to process (No finger pointing!)
  • Client along with the Project Manager & Team Lead

Sprint Delivery

2 - 3 weeks 1 - 2 hours
  • Demonstration for the client of the project
  • Client along with the Project Manager & Team Lead

Code Reviews

Bi - Weekly
3 - 4 hours
  • Code Review
  • Tech Lead

Collaboration Tools

We make sure to use the tools that are top of the market to bring your ideas into reality. Moreover, our careful selection of tools makes sure that your ideas are executed with the highest level of efficiency.


Get in Touch

    We believe that our works can contribute to a better world.

    Get in touch

    Email us

    For project inquiries only:
    [email protected]
    For other questions:
    [email protected]

    Contact us