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How Much Does It Cost To Build A Voice Translator App?

Simplifying communication is the main reason for digital innovation. There are no boundaries now to be limited with selective options to exchange of ideas. Earlier now, communication is a major barrier for businesses to serve globally or to communicate their brand message around the world. This challenge is gracefully resolved with AI and Machine Learning translator apps that turn country-specific languages into native languages. However, this blog is specially written for the voice translator app which requires the most to initiate direct communication, create documentation, translate your language into another, etc. 

Voice translator apps are the on-demand need for many of us to eliminate the discrepancies of countries’ languages. Moreover, it facilitates seamless interaction between two or more different languages, allowing businesses to thrive in the world. Creating a voice translator app could be a good idea to generate revenue by embedding it in your working operations or providing public access to use in their daily conversation.

In this blog, we will dissect the cost of building a voice translator app to give you a ballpark figure of your investment. Let’s dive deeper into the essential steps for building a voice translator app. 

How To Build A Voice Translator App In 2024

Building a voice translator in 2024 requires professionals and the latest technologies, including natural language processing, automatic speech recognition, machine translation, voice recognition, and synthesis. 

To make a robust voice translator app, an experienced mobile app development company is a must-have to ensure the creation of flawless applications. At MMC Global, you can find professional developers who have a good command of building AI-based applications that turn speech into text or text into voice-overs. Let’s take a quick look at the steps of building a voice translator app!

Define Objectives

The objective of building a voice translator app should align with your organizational long-term goal and must be problem-solving. The development of an application requires the urge to solve a repeated problem. For a voice translator app, understanding different languages and avoiding linguistic barriers are the main problem that a voice translator app can solve. 

Research And Analysis

To build an ideal voice translator app, marketing research is prevalent to identify what competitors are doing and what is the demand of the users. Conducting primary and secondary research allows you to plan your app features and functionalities uniquely, uncover trends, and prioritize user preferences that stand out in the crowd. 

Choose Technology Stack

The strong foundation of building mobile applications requires the latest technological stack including programming languages, frameworks, and third-party APIs. However, choosing technologies for a voice translator app should support speech recognition, natural language, and machine translation. A wide-scope app enables users to perceive native languages and turn them into accurate translations to provide adequate results.

Simplify UI/UX Design

A good mobile application delivers an exceptional user experience to attract more users and retain them for a long period. In order to build a voice translation app, you require a professional designer to create highly navigated interfaces with attractive visuals and resources. In fact, a minimalistic yet user-centric design approach will be a successful strategy to create a well-defined design for mobile applications. 

Develop The App

After accumulating all the essential assets, the development phase starts. With the help of the latest framework and programming language, developers start building features and functionalities as per the decision before. In addition, integrating APIs and libraries also enables you to build a bridge between next-level functionalities.

Testing And Deployment

After completing the development process, the QA team is responsible for testing the application’s performance in every aspect. It includes speed, usability, etc. However, testing and deployment also ensure the quality of the application by removing errors and fixing bugs. There are many testing techniques including unit testing, system testing, security testing, and everything in between. 

Deployment & Maintenance

After satisfactory testing, the next phase is deployment on the app store. Whether you build an iOS app, Android app, or cross-platform app, you need to follow proper guidelines to launch your app for public use. The Apple Store has a more strict guideline than the Android Play Store. In addition, app maintenance is also pivotal for improving application performance, upgrading in real-time, enhancing user experience, and dealing with inconvenience. 

How Does a Voice Translator App Work?

Here is the technical aspect of working with a voice translator app. 

Speech Recognition

Select a speech recognition library that supports worldwide languages and provides accurate transcription in voice. There are more popular speech recognition APIs including Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API, Microsoft Azure Speech Service, and Apple’s Speech Recognition API. In fact, the integrated APIs identify voice language and convert it into textual content.

Language Identification

Implementing language identification algorithms can help you recognize language patterns and statistical analysis. Moreover, Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the emerging technologies to recognize human languages and perform an action against voice commands and inputs. It allows understanding of which language converts into the preferred language translation.

Machine Translation

Integrating a machine translation API allows applications to translate between multiple languages and provide adequate decodes of voice speech. Machine translation is enabled with Google Cloud Translation API, Microsoft Translator Text API, and DeepL Translator API.

Cost Of Building A Voice Translator App

The cost of building a voice translator app can vary significantly depending on several factors, including:

  • App complexity:
    • Basic: Limited features and languages – $25,000 to $30,000
    • Medium: More features and languages – $50,000 to $100,000
    • High: Advanced features, multiple languages, and complex functionalities – $240,000 to $350,000+
  • Number of languages supported: More languages increase the complexity and cost.
  • Features: Offline mode, conversation translation, language detection, and other features add to the cost.
  • Development team: The experience and location of developers can impact the cost.

Here’s a rough estimate of the cost range for different app complexities:

  • Basic: $25,000 to $30,000
  • Medium: $50,000 to $100,000
  • High: $240,000 to $350,000+

It’s important to note that these are just estimates, and the actual cost could be higher or lower depending on your specific requirements.

Here are some additional things to consider:

  • Ongoing costs: You might need to pay for maintenance, updates, and server costs.
  • Monetization: How will you generate revenue from your app?
  • Competition: The market is already saturated with voice translator apps, so you’ll need to have a unique selling proposition to stand out.

If you’re serious about building a voice translator app, it’s important to get quotes from a professional voice translator app development company like us. You should also carefully consider your target audience, features, and monetization strategy before starting development.

Wrapping Up

The cost of building a voice translator app can be worth it if it aligns with your organizational objectives. The step-by-step workflow of developing mobile applications leads you to successful project development. If you want to build a lucrative application that helps you generate revenue and high ROI, partnering up with a professional mobile app development company will be the halfway to success. Let’s trust us to build your project and we will help you build the best voice translator app that thrives and stands out in the crowd.

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