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Mobile Commerce Development – 7 Features of M-commerce App

Mobile Commerce Development – 7 Features of M-commerce App

Thinking about any product and instantly seeing it while using a mobile is a common experience for everyone. Behind the scenes, you will not imagine what type of algorithms are running to target the audience and showcase what you’re selling.

Now, people are using mobile devices more than other gadgets because mobiles are handy and accessible, and everyone owns them. In the USA, markets target the masses, mainly mobile devices. People are doing shopping, groceries, and making payments quickly by using mobile apps. The inclusion of mobile in the buying and selling process is called mobile commerce development.

An eCommerce is electronic commerce or internet commerce, which is an umbrella term for buying and purchasing online. Mobile commerce development is a subcategory of eCommerce that mainly focuses on buying and purchasing via mobile devices.

Mobile Commerce Development - stats

However, the goal of both eCommerce and Mobile commerce development is to simplify the shopping experience on the internet. Mobile commerce development eliminates the desktop experience in our daily lives because the masses usually use wireless handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets.

The real-life examples of mobile applications like Amazon, PayPal, ApplePay, etc, mCommerce is not only used in the shopping experience but also caters to different industries like the financial industry, education sector, service and retail, realtors and estate agencies, etc.

Types Of Mobile Commerce Development

M-commerce is categorized into a few main functions that are discussed below:

Mobile Shopping with Apps and Websites

One of the most common mCommerce uses is shopping with mobile apps or websites. Thousands of eCommerce platforms provide mobile applications where customers can see the product, read the details, and bring it to the payment process. Within a single app, you can market or sell your product simultaneously.

As mobile devices are handy and people are indulging in them almost half of the day, marketers are getting the opportunity to showcase products while scrolling through their other favourite apps like Facebook. Running ads is one of the most effective tactics to promote your brand and indulge in Mobile Commerce stores. It integrates a website that ultimately drives traffic to your website. Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba are giant tycoons in the eCommerce world.

Mobile Commerce Development - Sales

Mobile Banking & Finance

Now mCommerce makes transaction and payment transfers easy via mobile banking. It is a hot topic as online banking optimized for mobile devices is known as mobile banking.

Customers may use it to execute financial activities, pay bills, trade stocks, and access their accounts and brokerage services. Usually, a banking institution’s secure, specialized app is used for this.

Mobile banking services may use SMS, chatbots, and other conversational app platforms to deliver notifications and monitor account activity. Customers may monitor their account balance, transfer money, examine loans, and do other activities in real time over WhatsApp using the chatbot.

Moreover, the banking apps are built with a secure system, like you receive instant notification if you try to log in. In case you are not the one, you also get a notification to keep you updated that someone is trying to log in.

Read more: 8 Fintech Mobile App Ideas to Become a Next Unicorn

Mobile Payment

Alternatives to conventional payment systems include mobile payments, cash, checks, credit cards, and debit cards. They allow customers to utilize a mobile device to make in-person purchases. With digital wallets like Apple Pay, customers may purchase without using a card or cash.

The same function is served by major mobile payment applications like PayPal, Venmo, and Xoom. Mobile shoppers may also utilize QR codes to make purchases using their phones. With digital payment, users may send money straight to a sender’s bank account or cell phone number.

9 Must-Have Features That Should be Added in Mobile Commerce Development

The top 13 features of all effective mobile commerce apps are listed below. If you want your app to be as successful as these, take what you can from them and use it yourself.

Enhance Product Visibility

Now you are in the world of the internet, and the more your product is visible, the higher your sales are. So how you can showcase your brand is the crucial part of this debate. Professional pictures with quality editing help you in this.

The product video also captures the audience’s attention. You can embed product videos to provide a realistic experience with perfect visuality. People love seeing details of the goods with clear-cut information about them.

People may be turned off and unwilling to buy your products if the photographs are of low quality. Don’t overlook the small details, such as proper lighting and other things.

Mobile Commerce Development - Product visibility

Mobile-First Website

Building a mobile-first website is unforgettable if you opt for Mobile Commerce Development. The website is the most significant for an online business owner to ensure your presence. You may lose your customers if your website does not provide a unified experience on mobile devices.

Mobile-first website is the solution that can enhance your mobile commerce development. The concept of a mobile-first website is to make the website user interface for mobile devices before building it for tablets and desktops. A mobile-first strategy seeks to turn the traditional process of developing for desktop and then scaling it down for mobile.

With mobile-first website design, you can easily manage content, have Fewer bugs, create a better user experience, be more responsive, SEO optimized, have faster load times, etc.

Simplifies Navigation

Navigation is another important aspect of mobile commerce development. Whether you are building a mobile app or a user-friendly website, the navigation should not be complex. Everything should be well-organized and easy to access for the customers by adding categories, keywords, and subcategories.

Simple navigation can be effective if you add search bars. However, you must work on the keywords as people are diverse search styles. Using top keywords will help you generate results of all related words that customers can use. As a result, the relevant goods appear. Make sure your search function is arranged by tags as well.

NAvigation for mobile commerce development

Read more: Mobile App Navigation: Top 12 UI Elements For Mobile App Navigation Patterns

Social Media Integration

Don’t forget your audience is continuously using social media, and that’s why social media marketing is trending. Another way to start mobile commerce marketing is to sell products on social platforms.

Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok, etc., are very common that can help businesses showcase their product and generate sales. Integrating mobile apps and websites with social media platforms enables you to drive prospects and customers anytime and night.

You can promote your products on social media and drive them on your website or app. You can also promote your mobile application on social media by integrating it with social media profiles. For instance, your app allows users to log in with Facebook, Google, Instagram, etc. As soon as people find an easy way to log in to your app with the same information, you can get the full information about their interests.

The algorithms are very sharp in analyzing consumer behaviour as they help you keep an eye on their searches and favourite stuff they love to see. As a result, you can show your relevant product via ads, send newsletters, and even showcase products in their feed. Social media is a fun-loving opportunity for marketers. People are amazed by seeing the same things they were talking about or recently searching on Google.

SEO-Optimized Product Description

To make your mobile commerce effective, you must optimize everything about SEO. Online marketing can improve if we use quality content with result-oriented SEO practices. No matter if the content is for social media advertisement, product description for a website, or mobile apps, you have to create meaningful content across your touchpoints.

Use appropriate keywords and include tags to make searches powerful. Selling your product by telling maximum benefits but don’t overflow the message that makes the reader bored. Engaging and lightweight content will be assimilable, so you can write specifications in pointers or short paragraphs. Try to stay away from long blocks of text.

Integrate Optimum Payment Gateways

A transparent and quick checkout is the key to higher conversion. People run away from lengthy checkout forms and multiple windows. The more you simplify the checkouts, the more customers love to buy from you.

Stay away from all distractions, as it is the way to your conversion. Add multiple gateways to Mobile Commerce Development so anyone can buy from you with online transactions. As personalization is a game-changer in the eCommerce industry, taking care of all your intended audience need is a must to provide a personalized experience.

Moreover, give your customer a safe and secure option to save information for the next time. You can also integrate your checkouts with the same information that is provided at the time of logging in.

This is something that your mobile commerce solution has to support. A simple checkout procedure will lower the rate of shopping cart abandonment.

Round the Clock Customer Services

Your presence matters in your online store for assistance. Your customers can inquire about your goods and services. What if they need information about your product, delivery charges, or related to their order? So are you available for long hours to respond to them 24/7?

Customer support for Mobile Commerce

Let me ask you what the average time of replying to a customer inquiry is. Customers (46%) generally want businesses to respond within four hours or less. At the same time, just 12% expect an answer within 15 minutes.

So why not make it shorter, up to 1-2 seconds, by using automated customer support instead of manually? You have two options 1) hire a pool of customer support agents, or 2) Use Chatbots (that is trending).

Hiring agents mean you need money to pay them for a repeated task. People call them to ask repeated questions, and they need to inform them about it, or in some cases, they have to tackle complex queries or conflicts. If you heard about Chatbots, they are doing the same but more effectively.

Like in less than one second, they can engage users at the same time by sending instant responses. Chatbots are conversational AI-based software that can communicate with humans without any human assistance. As they are trained and well-managed, people are comfortable asking their queries.

Mobile Commerce - Chatbot

They can assist 24/7 without skipping one customer. Also, chatbots respond to all multiple customers’ queries simultaneously. So, no need to hire numerous agents. Just one chatbot will be enough and cost-effective. We are here to assist if you want to make one for your website or mobile application.

Read more: What is AI Development? 6 Ways to Use AI in Mobile App Development

Security Features

You have a responsibility to protect client information. Because users are giving you confidential data like their digital wallets and personal details, this is particularly true for mobile commerce apps.

Remember to remind your consumers that your mobile platform protects and secures all their data. The checkout procedure must be identified explicitly. Verify that the complete credit card is not displayed if their cards are on file. Just mention the card type, last four numbers, and expiration date. It will assist in ensuring that their credit card number won’t fall into the wrong hands if their mobile device is stolen or misplaced.

In Mobile Commerce development, you should use multi-factor authentication to stop unauthorized access and password-guessing attacks. IT should inspect mobile devices to ensure the most recent patches and upgrades have been installed to defend mobile users against attack.

Few more things that you should consider while making your mobile commerce development secure:

  • Scan Mobile Apps for Malware
  • Protect app data on your device
  • Optimize Data Caching‌‌
  • Isolate Application Information‌‌
  • Security Against Device Theft

Bottom Line

Since people frequently use and spend time on mobile, businesses are moving towards Mobile Commerce Development. You require these features to create a successful mobile commerce app.

Not to worry. You won’t fail if you don’t have all features right away, just because you don’t have them all now. It could seem daunting if you have a lot of work ahead of you, but that’s okay. Try not to include all of these at once.

Just prioritize these features and incorporate them into your app as soon as possible. It’s crucial to recognize what best suits your business. Taking consultation with a leading mobile app development company is one of the best ideas. MMCGBL provides free consultation and not only focuses on mobile commerce development but also provides advanced solutions such as AI, Blockchain, Internet of Things, etc.

FAQs Related To Mobile Commerce Development

Can we improve the mobile selling experience with Mobile Commerce development?

If you have come across any of the following circumstances, now is the time to enhance your mobile experience:

  • Your current sales methods cannot serve all potential customers.
  • You lack the information required to make critical choices involving your consumers’ experiences.
  • Many of your consumers leave their shopping carts empty during the checkout process.

Not only these, but mobile commerce development is more than just buying and selling with smartphones.

When should I start mobile commerce development?

The sooner you adopt mobile commerce development and enhance the performance of your mobile business, the better. MMCGBL is here to help you in this endeavour. Please get in touch with us to explore your M-commerce project. Together, we’ll work out how to turn your shortcomings into strengths.

What are the main advantages of Mobile commerce development?

  • Selling and purchasing made it easy.
  • Brands are more accessible.
  • You can target the intended market across the globe.
  • Multiple payment methods
  • Personalized Experience 
  • Access Customer or visitor location
  • And much more

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