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Top 05 Frameworks Recommended For Android App Development

Top 05 Frameworks Recommended For Android App Development

Android app development has a massive market share due to the high demand for Android devices. The war between Android and iOS devices is unstoppable as they both provide optimized and futuristic features for their users. The mobile app market is also leveraging due to the uncountable use of apps for shopping, ordering food, educational apps, and more as soon as the need arises.

Surprisingly, the demand for Android app development welcomes new tech stacks. Because every app needs a great development team, they also need the essentials to build a robust app. To make Android developers’ tasks easiest, multiple frameworks can help develop apps faster and flawlessly.

Let’s see what App Framework is and what the developers recommend as the most used Android App Development Framework.

What is App Framework?

Application frameworks are a set of components, pre-built templates, libraries, and a whole application development structure. It mainly works for building app architecture for different types, such as Native app development and Hybrid app development.

The component-based interface and centralization of basic code under one area in the Android framework allow for app design and code reuse. With all of these features listed, it’s clear that the main goal of the Android framework is to make it easier for programmers to build apps and write code.

As people depend highly on mobile applications, it is critical to pick the right tool and framework that can stand alone in the millions. However, many Android app development companies are highly adaptable in learning and practicing various frameworks and analyzing which works best for their projects.

Let’s check out the 10 most recommended Android app development frameworks to support your app with maximum features and functionalities.

05 Frameworks For Android App Development

Depending on the capabilities of each framework, the developers or even an Android app development company where a huge pool of developers working on enterprise-level projects recommends the communities and votes for the best after getting hands-on experience.

Ionic Framework

The ionic framework released its first version in November 2013 by Till now, the Ionic framework has 4 versions, and the latest 4+ versions were released in 2019 with advanced features.

In 2013, the first version could create mobile applications with Angular 1. The second version was released in 2016 to support Angular 2. After that, ionic frameworks were built stronger and provided ease of building apps as well as progressive web apps with Angular 4+.

Last but not least, Ionic version 4+ was introduced and emerged as an all-in-one framework. It facilitates developers to create PWAs and mobile apps with Javascript and supports all other frameworks because Ionic and all its versions are based on web components.

  • Ionic framework is an open-source framework to build a hybrid mobile app structure with the help of HTML5, CSS, and Javascript
  • It also supports cross-app development functionalities
  • The ionic framework is highly focused on developing UI interaction and frontend experience
  • It enables simple CLI to support the features of live reload, logging, and emulators
  • Ionic already has a sizable community because of its Cordova and Angular foundation
  • Moreover, the Ionic framework supports various integration with other libraries, for example, Angular or Cordova
  • Another reason to love this framework is it can build once and run on multiple devices and operating systems

Flutter Framework

Google backs Flutter, and it has its programming language called “Dart.” Flutter framework was released in 2015 and is in its beta phase until the end of 2018. The second version was introduced in 2021 with sufficient features and highly performed functionalities.

  • Flutter framework is one of the well-performed UI SDKs that helps developers build functional frontend.
  • It is highly scalable as it uses Dart programming language, which is also feasible during cross-app development.
  • Google’s Flutter Android framework uses a 2D rendering engine called Skia to create visuals that resemble material design and Cupertino design.
  • Flutter is somehow different from other Android frameworks. It provides quality assurance facilities such as performing unit testing, functionality testing, and UI testing.
  • It provides real-time testing without reloading the app, as it has built-in hot reload functionality to support the app.

Flutter 3 is a fascinating benchmark since it provides stability across six platforms while retaining a performance-focused approach. It could be a good idea for developers to start thinking about Flutter right now if they need to create multi-platform apps.

Corona SDK

The popular framework Corona SDK was first introduced in 2009 by Corona Labs with the optimal components for building games and mobile apps. It is also known as Solar2D, but due to the closure of corona labs as well as corona PENDAMINC, the name changed to Corona SDK.

  • The finest quality of this framework is it provides faster development
  • It is highly used in building gaming apps and other mobile apps
  • It is an open-source and general-purpose cross-platform app development capability
  • Corona SDK contains 1000 APIs and plugins built-in library
  • With cross-platform development, the developer may reduce the time spent on coding by creating a single codebase that can be used across several platforms
  • Developers may now use CoronaSDK as a framework and library thanks to the use of Lua as the scripting language. It is successfully used in online applications, gaming, image processing, and other applications because it is a lightweight, readily embedded language


  • Framework7 is comparatively new to other Android app development, but developers widely use it to build web and mobile apps
  • It is open-source and supports cross-app development
  • It is also considered one of the best Android app development frameworks for creating progressive apps
  • Framework7 can be easily integrated with Cordova to create hybrid applications
  • It is a simple and user-friendly framework that even beginners can learn and adapt to instantly

React Native Framework

In 2015, React Native was solely launched for iOS; later on, it got the ability to work for Android app development. One of the leading social media platforms, Facebook, owns React Native. As the team, Facebook has been launched to fulfill their internal app development requirements.

  • It is one of the on-demand open-source frameworks which offers immersive development tools that snag the developers’ attention.
  • React Native has the ability to provide exceptional UI components to create a beautiful front of the application.
  • The codebase is dynamic as it is written once and can run for multiple devices and platforms.
  • React Native framework is a single interface and real-time loading with hot-reloading features
  • It has a steep learning curve. But the community is very strong, so developers can easily understand the logic by getting assistance from the community members.
  • The declarative programming methodology makes it much simpler to find errors.

Read More! Excellent React Native App Development Tools in 2022 and Real-Life Examples

This tool is ideal for quickly and easily launching customized apps. Thousands of apps released by some of the biggest companies in the world, including Tesla, Meta, Bloomberg, Uber, Walmart, and Yahoo, currently utilize it.

Wrapping Up!

This show can only go to the end; there is a long way to go to build the best Android app with other frameworks such as Xamarin Framework, JQuery, NativeScript Framework, Appcelerator Titanium, etc. You can opt for these mentioned frameworks as per the requirement. 

If you are not well enough with any of these or want help from a leading Android app development company to handle your project, MMCGBL is here for you. Get professional service with experienced app developers and fasten your app development process.

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