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Best Services and Features of Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services is a subsidiary of Amazon, a multinational e-commerce company whose main aspects are cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and streaming media. In simple words, AWS is the cloud-based backbone of Amazon, which helps the scalability of companies globally. The network of AWS is strong and has Availability Zones in the regions of North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, the Middle East, and the Asia Pacific.

Amazon Web Services AWS

With over 200 services, numerous Availability Zones, and more than 20 regions, Amazon Web Services has become a worldwide phenomenon that one cannot avoid. The fact is that Amazon generates most of its profit from AWS. In 2021, it upped its net sales from $45 billion to $62 billion, according to Statista.

You can say that Amazon Web Services is the hypernym of cloud computing, the very essence of the subsidiary. Furthermore, AWS caters to storage, remote computing, database, analytics, machine learning, and security for people, organizations, and governments. It is an all-embracing notion of e-business that has been gaining popularity since 2006.

The significant part of Amazon Web Services is its infrastructure. It makes sense because AWS offers the cloud service of IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). Aside from IaaS, AWS provides SaaS (Software as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service) services. Amazon Web Services is known for delivering on-demand services, something relatable to IaaS. Normally, IT (Information Technology) managers have to purchase physical hardware. AWS gets rid of that because it is virtual. Instead of purchasing the physical hardware, IT managers can buy the infrastructure, a virtual service, from AWS.

Considering the astonishing technology of Amazon Web Services, many software development companies are offering AWS services. Amongst these companies is MMCGBL, which meets the expectations of its clients because of the full-fledged professionals working tirelessly in the company. We diligently listen to our client’s needs and fulfill them successfully.

We stay aligned with cloud technology; hence, our Amazon Web Services list is harmonious with the latest fads of AWS. MMCGBL offers over 100 services, including AWS services. We have competed vigorously in the tech industry and undertaken many projects.

You are welcome to see our projects.

3 Vital Amazone Web Services

AWS Services

Millions of business owners acknowledge the pricing model of Amazon Web Services called pay-as-you-go (PAYG). This model states that users pay per consumption, which is why it is sometimes called a consumption-based model.

The PAYG model is interconnected with three important AWS services. Let’s discuss them one by one.


It is the basic component of Amazon Web Services which pertains to storing information on the internet using a cloud computing provider. It saves time because you do not have to manage your data storage infrastructure. The two main storage services of AWS are:

Amazon S3 Glacier

It is a cloud file storage service that grants storage for data archives (data backup or a store of old data). It is cost-effective and created for long-term data storage.

People tend to compare Amazon S3 Glacier with Amazon S3 in terms of cost. In 2022, the former seems to supersede the latter because it is relatively low in price, costing $0.004 GB monthly.

Another good thing about this Amazon web service is its durability. The excessive storage of data in Availability Zones makes S3 Glacier 99.999999999% durable and virtually scalable.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

This Amazon web service contributes to the computing capacity of the AWS cloud. EC2 allows you to plunge virtual servers according to the desired number, customize security, and control storage.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud has an instance known as the “EC2 instance.”  It is what we call a virtual server that you can launch abundantly or scarcely.

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

This Amazon web service is correlated with EC2 because EBS mounts block-level storage on EC2 instances. Block-level storage is a technological concept utilized to store data in cloud storage environments.

In simpler terms, block-level storage is all about preserving data in volumes. These volumes are “blocks” that refer to unformatted/untreated/raw data storage that you can embed in your EC2 instances.

Learn more about EBS: Introduction to AWS Elastic Block Store

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is the network of physical entities with sensors and software. IoT is crucial in Amazon Web Services since it enables devices to connect with cloud applications. Amazon Web Services encompasses IoT solutions to develop the connectedness of billions of devices.

Amazon FreeRTOS

FreeTROS is an open-source OS (operating system) that primarily uses the programming language C. It provides threads in a diversity, giving semaphores and mutexes.

This OS was made in 2003, but Amazon started endorsing it in 2017, thus earning the name Amazon FreeRTOS. In Amazon Web Services, FreeRTOS is an OS that links microcontrollers to aid you in connecting IoT devices with the cloud.

IoT Core

This IoT service lets connected devices, such as cars and lights, act together with cloud applications. In addition, IoT Core is constantly under the supervision of Amazon, making it possible for you to take in data from numerous devices worldwide.

IoT Analytics

Users regard IoT Analytics as a data analysis tool that measures wide-ranging data from IoT devices. The goal is to analyze the data and extract relevant information from them, managing data centers of Amazon Web Services around the globe.

The interesting aspect of IoT Analytics is the accumulation of data from sensors installed in all machinery like weather stations, robots, elevators, meters, and whatnot.

Further reading of IoT: Compete Guide About IoT Development And Best Practices


In present times like these, a business cannot stay separate from technology. In fact, according to a detailed inspection, SaaS, Big data, and AI/ML are the top three technologies that companies use to realize their business goals, especially SaaS.

SaaS functions as a business framework that runs through a web browser. Otherwise said, it operates on a cloud infrastructure.

Amazon Alexa

Alexa is a computer program that plays the role of “virtual assistant technology.” In Amazon Web Services, Alexa accounts for providing real-time information. E.g., constructing to-do lists, setting alarms, playing audiobooks, broadcasting news, etc.

The essential element of Alexa is voice integration or voice recognition. It endows companies with this integration so they can materialize spoken language and improve communication between teams.


Everyday communication is fundamental in businesses. Organizations implement Amazon WorkDocs, a service that stores documents, which is what we call enterprise storage, that comprises innovative tactics to increase productivity.

The safety of Amazon WorkDocs is highly recognized in the industry because only users and allocated subscribers can access the files.

Top Features of Amazon Web Services

All in all, Amazon Web Services is associated with cloud computing. It simply means that AWS is internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and data are provided on demand. AWS’s resourcefulness copes with many asperities related to online services.

Bearing in mind the significance of Amazon Web Services, here are its best features.

Great Flexibility

It is one of the superior AWS features because it permits users to choose structures, programming languages, and operating systems for their projects. Ultimately, it refrains users from getting wind of new technologies.

Amazon Web Services handles legacy systems (outdated software). Therefore, it takes care of the legacy migration. This migration occurs when a company transfers outdated software or applications to the cloud.

It prevents users from rewriting the code to conveniently move the software or applications to the cloud.

Excellent Credibility

AWS features speak for themselves, keeping in mind its vast credibility. The AWS cloud covers all levels of scalability, reliability, and privacy. Moreover, Amazon was already in its prime when Amazon Web Services came into being.

AWS is well-equipped from the start and completely furnishes technologies and businesses with ultramodern factors, like the extensive infrastructure which continues to grow.

Learn more about the AWS infrastructure: What is Amazon Web Services? An Elaborate Guide To Kick-Start Your Business

Effortless Sign-up

Sign-up can become a hassle for many users, but Amazon Web Services alleviates it. You do not need to sign an agreement.

The only requirements are email ID and credit/debit card details. You can create a free tier account and use the substantial AWS services to a limited degree.

Powerful Certifications

Amazon Web Services offers Training and Certification programs that people can consider for bettering their understanding. These are easy and valuable programs people can avail themselves of to flourish in the market.

Despite the individual’s lack of awareness regarding the cloud, the certification will incline toward the smooth learning of Amazon Web Services and its distinct facets. It can be done more interactively if a person wants to become an AWS Certified Cloud Practioner.

Finer Elasticity

Amazon Web Services is well-recognized to wield several tasks at the same instant. Elasticity is the capability to dispense software traffic amongst IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, instances, containers, etc. Respecting elasticity, AWS has an instrument called Elastic Loading Balance (ELB) that doles out application traffic around the targets.

Last, But Not The Least

Amazon Web Services, or AWS, is a subsidiary company that promotes cloud technology. The statistics show remarkable growth in AWS, reaching all around the world with integrity. AWS keeps prospering in the market, and so does Amazon.

The top-notch service list and features of Amazon Web Services broaden the horizons of e-commerce. From cloud storage to business efficiency, AWS Practitioners attempt every course of action to achieve the milestones in e-business, technology, and opportunities.

The vitality of AWS is eminent since the masses prefer cloud computing. It is a futuristic technology that prevails in the tech industry and has gained prominence in Silicon Valley. Amazon Web Services focuses on the avant-garde art of science that practically solves issues.

Ease of doing business is the end goal of Amazon Web Services, and MMCGBL is already far ahead with AWS services. We have over 150 professionals in the company who relentlessly work to live up to their client’s needs. By delivering more than 1000 projects, MMCGBL has become illustrious in the world of technology.

If you want to request a consultation, feel free to do so. You are just one click away.

Frequently Asked Questions – Amazon Web Services

What exactly is Amazon Web Services?

Amazon Web Services or AWS is a company that Amazon completely controls. You can also call it a subsidiary that works under the management of Amazon. AWS is responsible for providing cloud computing platforms to people, authorities, administrations, and corporates.

What do you mean by cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a set of resources available to use. The principal reserve in cloud computing is data storage. Other than that, the resources include computing services (software, application service, IT solutions), servers (stations with access to files), databases (software programs for storing, retrieving, and manipulating related information), and so forth.

What are Availability Zones in Amazon Web Services?

Availability Zones are special locations where data centers of AWS are present. It is through these data centers that AWS distributes data and provides cloud computing services.

Are there popular companies that use Amazon Web Services?

Many popular companies have been using Amazon Web Services. LinkedIn, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, and Twitch are some of them.

What are the key advantages of Amazon Web Services?

  • Amazon Web Services is cost-effective.
  • It liberates you from rigidity, allowing you to choose your programming models and operating systems for your projects.
  • It has the backing of Amazon, which keeps the authenticity intact.
  • It is in your own hands to add or remove the capacity.
  • Application deployment in multiple regions is possible with Amazon Web Services.

Why should I choose MMCGBL for AWS services?

MMCGBL is a distinguished software development company that ties in closely with Amazon Web Services. It consists of all the AWS competencies clients are always looking for nowadays.

These competencies involve a wide range of data analytics, migration, retail, workloads, etc. MMCGBL perceives them with attention and assists its clients with professionalism.

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