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Mobile App Performance – 15 Mobile App KPIs

How To Measure Mobile App Performance With Top 15 Mobile App KPIs?

Congratulations, you have built and launched an amazing app! Now, what next? You have gone through a long process of designing and developing a mobile application. It is time to work on your mobile app performance, which is a matter of elevating credibility in the mobile application world.

In order to make your app successful, you have to measure mobile app performance. But the question is HOW?

  • How to manage the performance and the quality of your mobile app?
  • What are the key factors that you need to look for in evaluating app performance?
  • Does your app reach the expected outcome that you decided before launching?
  • And lastly, what are the main KPIs that help to assess mobile app performance?

Being an appreneur, you have to work on measuring mobile app performance strategy and make your app more immersive and whittle. If you have chosen a leading company for mobile app development, you can ask to keep track of your app and handle all inconvenience before it arises.

At MMCGBL, our developers build robust mobile applications and maintain them throughout their lifetime. Moreover, we also set meetings with our clients to listen to their users’ hurdles and take action over them. We do not just design and develop, but we have enchanting strategies to build, manage and maintain mobile app performance.

Moreover, our strategy to evaluate mobile app performance is based on the KPIs we garner and extract from different factors. Every app is different per its functionalities and features. But our developers give a single source of mobile app KPIs to measure mobile app performance. Let’s dive straight into the mobile app KPIs and how important it is to measure your app performance.

What are Mobile App KPIs?

KPIs stand for key performance indicators, and in terms of mobile app KPIs, it means the criteria that help to evaluate your mobile app performance. After creatively designing your app, you have to monitor your app performance to maintain your app’s health. Once you know your app’s performance, you will make the right decision at the right time and spot major problems before it gets chaotic.

We analyze some factors, such as the users per device type, the total number of users, users per browser type, total daily users, the percentage of unique users, and users by location. That helps to know the growth of the application day-to-day.

To get in-depth details about mobile app KPIs, you can use effective tools to track your app monetization, user acquisition, response time, custom components, metrics monitoring, etc. In short, automated trackers help you to provide monthly, daily, or annual reports of mobile app performance.

Read More: How To Monetize The Mobile App Data From Your App

Why We Need To Measure Mobile App Performance

Let’s take an example to understand why we need to measure mobile app performance. You set the goal of your app development, and you get users drastically after launching. But after a few days, the number of users dropped. So, how would you determine who is responsible for taking care of or what is the cause behind all these disruptions?

Here is the main reason that basically you need to evaluate mobile app performance with important KPIs.

Establish quality performance: KPIs will enable you to ascertain whether or not your app is functioning up to par.

Give a Health Check: KPIs can help you develop a practical strategy for managing the hazards connected to an app.

Make Improvements: KPIs assist you in gaining insight into what is and is not working in your favor so that you can make well-informed decisions quickly.

Moreover, the more you keep monitoring your mobile app, the more you can earn money with it. You can boost your in-app purchases and subscriptions to generate revenue. Retaining users is also a factor that can maintain if you maintain your app’s effectiveness. Mobile app development is ongoing; you can determine your users’ demands and add new features that fulfill their requirements. Mobile app KPIs also help analyze what your users need and study the user behavior pattern.

Read more: Top 5 Key Digital Marketing KPIs to Keep an Eye on!

Every stage of the mobile app has its KPIs to measure mobile app effectiveness. We have categorized every stage KPI so you can perform effective analysis throughout the app lifecycle.

mobile app lifecycle

Mobile app KPIs to Measure Your Mobile App Performance and Effectiveness

Mobile application KPIs based on:

  • General app performance
  • User interaction with the app
  • Monetization and revenue generation
  • App store optimization (ASO)

KPIs To Measure General App Performance

You can consider the following KPIs to identify your app’s general performance.

User growth rate

It helps you to determine at what ratio your user base is rising. You must know your current and past users to get the numeric result of your app user growth.

((Current users – past users)/ past users) x 100

App installation/uninstallation

It is one of the important key performance indicators that help you monitor the installation and uninstallation pattern of users. You will understand what is advantageous to you and what else you can do to keep your current users.

Mobile app performance- downloads


Many applications need users’ registration that gets a record of users such as their personal information or card details. It is one of the KPIs that can track over time and count on registration. You can get your entire onboarding experience to understand user behavior if you discover that users are not interested in registering after downloading it.


The number of subscriptions and unsubscriptions matters a lot. You can easily monitor your new subscriber to identify how well your app is performing and where it is lacking.

KPIs to Measure User Interaction With An App

These KPIs will help you measure the number of interactions between users and apps.

User retention rate

User retention rate refers to those users who use your app continuously and not jumping over your competitors’ apps. It is another mobile app KPI that helps to measure app performance and success.

CE = ((Users at the end of the period – New users acquired during the period) / Users present at the start of the period) x 100


The number of times users use the daily app counts as a session. In some cases, users download the app but last opened it a few days ago. When a user frequently makes sessions, it indicates stickiness.

Stickiness = Daily Active Users / Monthly Active Users

Churn rate

The churn rate refers to the users who uninstalled and unsubscribed from the app. You have to keep an eye on your app performance else you can encounter a higher churn rate. You can calculate the churn rate with this formula:

Churn Rate: User who left / (Users at the beginning of the period + New users acquired during the period) X 100

KPI To Measure Monetization & Revenue

Track your revenue stream by giving KPIs with your application.

The average revenue per user

To maintain a profitable app, you must determine how much value or money has been produced per user through in-app purchases, registrations, installations, commercials, and clicks.

Average revenue per user = Lifetime revenue / Number of users

Customer Acquisition Cost

To maintain a profitable app, you must determine how much value or money has been produced per user through in-app purchases, registrations, installations, ads, and clicks.

CAC = Cost of acquiring new users / Number of new users

Return On Investment

It is a metric that defines how effective the investment is and what the gains are over the investments. The Cost of your app designing, development, launching, and advertising represents your investment.

ROI = (Gain from Investment – Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment

Mobile app performance - ROI

Cost Per Install

To run an effective ad campaign and obtain the most number of installs via advertisements, you must monitor CPI.

CPI: Ad Spend / Number of Installs You Get Directly From Marketing Campaign

Customer Lifetime Value

To ensure your app is operating effectively, measuring the user’s customer loyalty is critical. A successful app has a higher CLV to CAC ratio since each customer contributes significantly more profit than you spent on customer acquisition.

CLV: (Annual profit contribution per customer X Average number of years that they remain a customer) – The initial Cost of customer acquisition

KPIs To Measure App Store Optimization

To ensure the visibility of an app on the app store or google store, you need to optimize your app with SEO practices and standards. Paid promotions and marketing campaigns are the best options to target your app users and audience. Launching Your app on Play Store or App Store would need expertise on how to launch apps on them concerning app store optimization standards.


Your users can find your app in app stores using keywords or phrases. It boosts the chances that users will download your app. So, you can use a wide range of ASO tools to monitor keyword ranks.

App Store Category Ranking

Your app ranking matters. Once you are capable of ranking your app on app stores, you can evaluate the performance of your app. Your app’s performance will improve with a higher ranking, but if it goes down, you have to worry about it.

App Reviews & Ratings

The best way to evaluate your app performance is to get feedback from your users on the number of both favorable and negative reviews you receive. To ensure you give your consumers the greatest services, take advice from the critics.

Positive feedback, on the other hand, will enable you to improve the functionality of your app. Reviews will also provide important information about what users want most from your app.

Read more: Why Mobile Apps are Very Essential for Every Business Growth?

All mobile app performance KPIs have been divided into many categories for your convenience in monitoring. Now you may select one of these KPIs based on your unique requirements and monitor your app’s performance.

Bottom Line

Here is the Mobile app KPIs to measure the performance that helps improve and optimize user experience, monetization, functionalities, etc. Suppose you do not want to bear the headache. In that case, you can outsource the mobile app development and management that keeps track of your mobile app performance and delivers an exceptional experience.

If you still need to create an app but want to make one that performs well and is easy to use, get in touch with us and let us know what you need. Get a free consultation with our expert mobile app developers and initiate building your application.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To Mobile App KPIs

What are the best tools to track mobile app performance?

Here are a few free and paid mobile app analytics tools

  • Countly.
  • Flurry.
  • Localytics.
  • Mixpanel.
  • UXCam.
  • (Formerly App Annie)
  • Firebase by Google Analytics

Does every app need to measure its performance?

Absolutely yes. If you want to make your app long-life and market competitive, you will have to check your app performance, improve its functionality, help retain users, etc.

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